Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today, almost like an ordinary day, went to school, blah blah blah... But had to leave during chem lesson for interview at SP for DPA. Expected Mr Chew to say something sacarstic like "good luck, if you cant make it, I can always see you again next year" or something like that. But he didn't! Then the whole class cheered me! (well, almost..) Den went to get Mdm Suriani's testmonial, she wrote all nice things!!! Damn happy. Den got early departure form.. First time doing that, very blur.. Den my dad waited for me outside, den blah blah blah (skipping on....). When i reached there, went to Koufu (foodcourt 4 @ SP). Den got one group of guys walking towards my direction. Den one of them try to act big and ncome into my path at the door. I irritated him: I just stood there, he stare at me, i stare at him, i didn't move. End up, he moved and walked away. Dumb right? Want to disturb me also cannot disturb properly. Oh, and my meal that was $2.60 in value only costed only $0.20! the auntie count wrongly! Den i quietly walked away! (moving on...) The interview was weird. 3 people at the same time. Den they ask me "What do you think mechanical engineering is about?" Den i actually answered this: "THE STUDY OF MECHANICS.." I feel so paiseh now.. LOL I really hope i can pass the interview. Gtg. Doing english homework. Byes. <Damn, this is the longest blog post i've ever written>

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