Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ever felt that life of a Singaporean is boring? I'm here to tell you that that's true. Think about it. You go to nursery, then kindergarden, then its six long years in primary school before your leaving examination. Then, it's to secondary school. Another four to five years are gone just like that. For my case, it's five. After N levels, It's the O levels. Then it's time for tertiary education, be it to junior colleges, or various polytechnics. Or, if you're rich enough, it's schools like LaSalle and the Nanyang academy of fine arts (NAFA). Then it's about 3 years before you even start working. And no, the boredom dosen't end here. You start work as a minimum wage worker. You work your way to the top. You work your ass off. And sometimes, you may even take night classes for a degree. You work till you're probably about 60 (that is, if you reach that age..). You finally retire. You can take your CPF money out. But by then, you're most probably too old to do many of the things you dreamt of doing. So, you sit on your ass at home until your heart (or lungs/ kidney/ etc.) finally gives out. Then you spend the rest of your life in hospital until you at last, die. What's there to look for in life you ask? Now you know.

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