Thursday, September 04, 2008


Chuan. And no, not Zhen Chuan, but Jian Chuan.
Chuan, if you're reading this, great.And yes, this is what he looks like now. (Note the change from the geeky little kid he used to be and into this... thing.)
This was a LONG time ago.. When Chuan still liked cakes like this...And can you beleive that a guy that used to ride a Haro rides this now?

Anyways, it's been a long tme since I saw him.. Saw him last friday.. And OMG! He is like... Okay, maybe no words can describe the changes that took place on him.. You get the point. Moving on... I actually missed the times we had together, especially in Primary school, it was fun, how we spent the time after school under void decks, internet cafes teaching me Counter-strike...

Enough said.. I've got to get back to reality.. So long.

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