Friday, November 14, 2008


Mdm Suriani...
Mr Lim Ming Yang and Sunny. And yes, i'm Sunny's mobile handrest.

Mr Lee Kwok Weiprincipal.

Today, had graduation day... Was kinda fun, except for the the extremely long speeches... Very boring, correction. Extremely boring, during the speeches.. Start from the top. Took LRT to school, walked from LRT to school, on the way, saw Darius and Guan Ping walking the opposite direction from me. They got chased out from the gate by Mr Sng, Mr Yong, and the security guard. Why? Dyed hair. School officially ended, and they want to make a huge fuss. So, continued to walk to school, almost got caught for long hair, but didn't. Went in to the hall, the DM as always shout in the mic. As if the mic is not loud enough.. Sat down, free seating.. Still must wait. They say be seated by 0930, but it started past 1000. Begin with a "photo montage" of "us". First, the photos werent even about the graduating students, but the current sec1 batch. Completely no relation with us. Secondly, The photos later, about the graduating students, didn't even include the secondary 5s.. Pissed. Then came the most hated part. The speech. An almost half and hour speech about "emergence". By none other than the principal. (Note the lack of Capital lettering on the start of the word principal). So, all we did was talk among ourselves, or do what most of us do best, SLEEP. After the speech, guess what.. There came more speeches. By the head prefects. And it's not over yet! There's another speech by a hired person. I guess his main topic was about Not Giving Up. How did I know that you ask? Well, i assumed it after he said "NEVER GIVE UP" a couple of a dozen times... 45mins. 45mins listening to a guy with a fake accent consisting of British, American, Singaporean and some plante's accents. Then we have to shake hand with the Teachers at the end of the "Ceremony". Mr Chew said :"Work harder next year.." I mean like... In my mind... What do you mean by next year? Then ate a lot of food. I think more than 3 rounds... Super full. Then took photos with teaches on Sunny's camera... Then leaving school, helped Darius and Guan Ping take their souvenirs, The security guard like go guai lan with Darius. For no apparent reason... Say Darius scold, when the guard himself spoke louder, even before Darius... Then the other guard chased us away. So I simply just sms Darius to relax and cool down... Then that's just about it...

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