Thursday, January 15, 2009

it's about time i updated my blog!
nothing to say....
oh yah..... I did great in my O levels... L1R4=18 points! It's far better than expected, and i'm really happry about it. But the thing is, my English teacher, Mrs Yee, told me that i could've gone to a better course rather than my mechanical engineering that i got in DPA... But on the other hand, i also like mechanical engineering...

On to another topic, (nonsencial)... Have any one of you ever saw the KFC advertistment about the prosperity meal? Notice the woman, She says "gong xi fa CAI". But her CAI is like vegetables.... And the girl... I know i'm very bad larh.... But her eyes look like got problem or that she's kinda retarded..!

Ok... nothing else to say... so until next time, bye!

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