Wednesday, February 04, 2009

right... very long nva update le... okay... went to poly already, si beh fun arh... yest went dragonboating, forest adventure (those flying fox stuff), and today (not so fun), go to recycling plant to smell compost (waste). Yest, coming bk frm the activities, the bus tyre pancet. Then we stuck at the side of the highway...... Wait v long, then the driver decided to push on despite the lack of one tyre... Went home late, gotta go to the market to photocopy passport, took the bike there, went down a flight of stairs riding. FUN. Btw, if ure wondering, the passport is for malaysia.... Im going there next Tuesday. Kota Tinggi there, Mawai eco camp to be exact. 10-12th feb. I guess it's gonna be fun tho.. Tmr, going school late, 2.15pm. end at 5pm. Going to the NEA or somethin... OK, gotta go... Until next time...

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