Monday, February 23, 2009

okay. weird... Last Saturday, wanted to cycle to zhenghua to meet my friend... On the way there, there was a little of a downslope. So i kinda cruised down the pavement...... Then i saw a couple walking.... I knew with my experience that i had enough room to manouver, plus the extra grass verge... So i moved forward towards them.. Plus, i did slow down... Then, the man, carrying plastic bags of stuff, suddenly swung the bag outwards,,, My initial reaction was to slam on the brakes. This caused my bike to do an endo... If you dont know what endo is, scroll down... This caused my handlebars to hit the man, and i became superman... So i flew, and landed on my side,,, The wife of the guy, wanted a police report. So i just followed her to the nearby police post at Zhenghua CC. The moment she went inside, she made a lot of noise saying that she wanted a report against me because i hit her husband... Then the police explained that, this is not a police case, because this is not a criminal offence... But they will just help us do a report, and pass it on to the relavant authorities, in this case, the town council or the traffic police. So i was brought into the interragation room, but the suprise was, nothing i expected happened. I expected scoldings, shoutings and that sort. But nothing. The policemen just told me that the woman was very exxaggerating, and that she wanted a report just to claim from me medical fees for her husband's "injured" arm. So we ended up talking about my secondary school, as the policeman was from the same school... So, all i had was a report done, and i became a free man... As for the husband, the police was checking on him from their database, and realised, there was an outstanding warrant against him for going A-WALL from reservist since 2007! WOW!!!!!!!! Damn! I was shocked.... So i just left the police post with a big grin on my face, while they guy was brought away in a police car..... How nice.................. XD

After everything, I went home, treated my wounds, then showeed. WOW! the wound hurts under water..... Went to a extravagant dinner with my extended family... For the celebration of my grandma's 90th birthday!!!! Super grand. It was held at some hotel.... In a private room in the restaurant... Nothing to say, cos' i've got pics!!!

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