Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today, went to school as usual, BUT, the thing is, i turned the wrong way. I was supposed to turn to the right. But i turnted to the left. So, i walked all the way, in the wrong direction, towards t1. I stood there on the pavement like an idiot looking at T1A. Then i just walked back. Met Tze Jie halfway there.In effective speaking skills class, everyone was supposed to tell a story... Well, i forgot to prepare. So, i just told a story of what happened to me last Saturday (scroll down)... I told the story, i had great contact with the class during the story!!! OMG! Teacher said i had good rapport, good articulation, good volume, expressions... And so on... But i got a high B. Okay, considering that i didnt even prepare for that. Lunch time, went to foodcourt 6, frekkin empty. That place so ulu... Then WTF! I wanted some western food to fill my stomach after eating mixed rice. Went to the stall, auntie asked me what i wanted. Then, i wanted ham and sausage. She said "mei you". I wanted ham and egg. Again she said meiyou. Then i asked her. What do you have? She said she dosent have egg, ham, sausage...... THEN WHAT THE HECK IS SHE SELLING?????? Then give me the "qian bian" face..... wtf. Other than that, the day was fun... Should have gone to moberly for pool woth the rest of the DPA people... But according to Clare, they broke into groups. So i would have been kinda left out... HAHAHA. Now, nothing to do, plan to do program design homework tmr... What else to do? SLEEP...... nice.... That's all for now.. So long...

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