Friday, February 27, 2009

today, had marketing. today's lesson was quite fun.... understood quite alot... Project officially started... Our project is to market a TV. choose a target market, how to target that market and such. Sice it's a TV, i have to make sure my TV has a feature that other TV dosent have. To get people to buy my TV.

PLAYED FOOSBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT FUN!!!! Played with Tze Jie, Timothy, Bryan, Hong Yi, Dominic, Melvin..... WOW. Funny stuff..... Much more worth it than pool.. Definately gonna play it on Monday......

Went to fajar today, SAW CARLYN! She was shocked seeing me, and i was shocked seeing her! HAHAHAHAHA. Went to fajar to take the tickets for tomorrow's concert. Going with Yasir. "Helped" abit... We said we were gonna leave at 5, but we saw Solihah, Rashidah, Syikeen, Weize, Dale and such. So we talked until 5.30. I went to Sunny's house, met up with Azizul and Sobri... realized that Sunny;s bike wasnt that great. GREAT! Went down the block, saw Kah Hui and Carlyn. Walked with them. Kah Hui went to her friend's house, then Carlyn and me walked together to Petir station... Talked to her about poly stuff.... Learned that Joyce works in a shop in Bukit Timah... Gonna find the shop soon..... HAHA. Go disturb her.. HeHe. K larh nth left to say...

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