Thursday, February 26, 2009

Okay... This week was fun... sort of... not really. Routine starts to set in. Wake up daily at 7.30am, ususl morning routine, go to school, sit for a boring lesson, lunch, go back to lesson, go home. In short, boring. Today quite relaxed, understanding data. Relaxed, only because it wasnt my group's day to present. Surfed internet during class, teacher allowed it of course, some of my groupmates spent the time playing dota.. lols. Explored Foodcourt 1, looks quite ulu. But the food looks quite okay... Tze Jie bought ice scream from the automated machine... All of us wanted to see what the machine did. Ended up with a soggy and melted ice scream. The refrigerator dosent seem to be melting. Thank god he didnt buy the cup type ice scream. If not, it'll be soup. lol.

Also, my friend, Sunny, bought a new bike. Damn. His bike is better than mine. TREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn. His parents bought it for him! "His o level present". What crap. A mountain bike, not allowed to go on trails. What is this?! Got frekkin angry at this. Told myself to relax....... And i did... unwillingly. really wasted......

SIgh. Nothing else to say.. Not sure why...

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